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The Northern Cape province of South Africa is the largest of all provinces with a land mass the size of Germany. About half the population speaks Afrikaans while the rest speak a mix of Setswana and English. The largest part of the province is within the Nama-Karoo biome. Within it, the Namaqua National Park where […]

The North-West province of South Africa was created after the end of the Apartheid in 1994, and includes parts of the former Transvaal and Cape Province. The most popular languages are Tswana and English. North West’s biggest attraction is the Sun City complex. Sun City is one of the world’s biggest entertainment centers. The center holds […]

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Mpumalanga, whose name means “the place where the sun rises”, is only slightly larger than the Czech Republic. Sitting on high plateaued grasslands, it borders Mozambique and Swaziland. The 4 million people that reside here speak mainly siSwati, the language of Swaziland. Though Mpumalanga may be the second smallest province, it does not lack in […]

Home to some of the most recognizably named cities in South Africa, Gauteng is the smallest of all provinces. Here you will find the cities of Pretoria and Johannesburg. These popular urban centers attribute to Gauteng having the largest population and highest per capita income. Gauteng is the site of the Cradle of Humankind, […]